Skills development
We offer you professional, business and personal development in a somewhat less in-depth format. We meet in small trusts of no more than nine members, opening the way and creating the conditions for in-depth, trusting discussion and exchanges of experience under the strictest confidentiality. Each trust has a senior trust manager with experience in senior positions in Swedish and international businesses.
”Openness inwards, confidentiality outwards”
Our trust delegates are handpicked
We handpick our delegates from a variety of organisations and industries in order to gain a wide range of perspectives, experiences and personalities in each of our trusts. We target senior executives and leaders with both staff and budget responsibilities, primarily in the private sector but also in public-sector organisations. Our service is based on our ability to bring people with different backgrounds and skills together in an optimal manner. All proposed trust delegates and existing trust delegates must always approve one another.
”For handpicked leaders”
Inspiration and new contacts
Within the framework of Hjärntrusten’s activities, we organise seminars, workshops and other forums for our delegates and our extended network. We look into issues relating to management and leadership, business development and ongoing changes in the business environment that affect us as executives and leaders. We seize the challenge of uniting academia, politics and business in order to create understanding and thereby better conditions for continued socio-economic development.
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Peter Drucker
We offer you professional, business and personal development in a somewhat less in-depth format.
We handpick our delegates from a variety of organisations and industries in order to gain a wide range of perspectives, experiences and personalities in each of our trusts.
Within the framework of Hjärntrusten’s activities, we organise seminars, workshops and other forums for our delegates and our extended network.
Det är en otroligt givande öppenhet inom Hjärntrusten. Redan efter ett par möten är ”garden” långt nere och folk pratar, ber om råd och diskuterar sin situation rakt och öppet.
En styrka med Hjärntrusten är att man kan få en ’second opinion’ kring viktiga beslut och frågor. Ofta är man ju rätt ensam, så att få diskutera med likasinnade är verkligen värdefullt.
Det viktigaste med Hjärntrusten är det nätverk man får. Det är intressant och tankeväckande med utbytet av åsikter. För en gammal branschräv som mig är det givande att få ett nytänkande från andra branscher.